Dockrell 37 Trilby Sail No. 114

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Ali & Tim
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Dockrell 37 Trilby Sail No. 114

Post by Ali & Tim »

Hi all
We are new to this site, but would love to be a useful member. We bought a Dockrell 37 called "Trilby" (please look at at the picture gallery D37 picture number 2) last year and have been slowly stripping her down and rebuilding her. The Keel is lead and needed some attention after the previous owner hit rock bottom!! oops!
So, what we have done so far is:
1 Re upholstered all the interior seating and cushions. New headlining all the way through.
2 Stripped the hull under the water line back to gel coat ready for copper-coating in the next few weeks.We just looked at the poor antifoul job where many lumps and hollows were to be seen. We just couldn't be sure what was underneath. now her underside is beautifully smooth ready for the coppercoat.
3 Stripped the deck ready for re coating
4 Ordered new standing rigging and new running rigging
5 Quite a few of the deck fittings will be replaced
6 The hard top is going to be fibreglassed to the coach roof
7 Fitting composite through hull fittins too.
.....and the list goes on!!
It sounds like we bought an old shed, but to be fair she was seaworthy and in pretty good condition. Even the the seat covers were the originals from 30 years ago and very tidy (just not to our taste). Trilby is shown on this website, she is the one with dark red/brown sails and blue seat cover interior if you click on the link.
I'll upload some pictures soon so you can follow our progress if you like . Also happy for any hints and tips.
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Joined: Sun Mar 06, 2005 12:52 am

Re: Dockrell 37 Trilby Sail No. 114

Post by admin »

Welcome to the Dockrell website. It is nice to hear from a new member.
Good luck with the renovation of your yacht.
I look forward to seeing the photos.

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Joined: Thu Jun 11, 2020 5:25 pm

Re: Dockrell 37 Trilby Sail No. 114

Post by Trilby »

Trilby, when we first saw her in 2019
Trilby, when we first saw her in 2019
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Re: Dockrell 37 Trilby Sail No. 114

Post by ragtrade »

HI Dave
I bought mine in 2015 thinking it would be 6 months to restore her. I'm still doing it! and now i've hit 76 years so not sure I can go on much longer. I've thought up al kinds of schemes to repower her and do all the other stuff (Most of the interior has been removed due to rot (Balsa Headlining; bulkheads; etc)
Hull faired and repainted in'Whisper Grey with Full coppercoat below the waterline - She looks great but I can see a lot of work to get her fully operational with all the costs. Currently she is ashore in a boatyard in Devon & I live on the Isle of Wight. So a 1/2 day getting there and another getting back)
It's got to the point where I'm considering having her scrapped if I can't find a buyer for the unfinished project. If you need any advice contact me - happy to chat about it.

Kind regards
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